8th November 2017

3 ways Anxiety is ruining your life and what you must do about it immediately.

It is normal to feel anxious about certain situations particularly if you or person you are close to is facing a difficult time because of illness or other traumatic experiences. Normally you might experience a period of anxiety and then you return to being more relaxed but if the anxiety becomes persistent and is left unchecked, it can become extremely debilitating and result in psychological and physical problems.

If your Anxiety is persistent, these are 3 ways it can ruin your life.

1. Feeling overwhelmed or being on the edge all the time.

When you are suffering anxiety everything just seems to get that much harder. Your everyday coping skills have become diminished and what you could do easily, now becomes difficult and stressful. You become easily overwhelmed and more easily angered which will affect your day to day life, your relationships and how others interact with you.
The truth is, being on edge all the time creates a time bomb. Emotionally, physically and within relationships, unchecked the stress and overwhelm will increase and become more of a problem for you and those around you.

2. Lack of Energy/ Lack of Sleep

Anxiety is like a programme running in the background on a computer slowing it down. You are constantly on the red alert status which will exhaust you because you are stuck continuously in the fight of flight mode resulting in your lack of energy.
Almost certainly your sleep pattern will change and getting a good night’s sleep may be difficult, creating more problems for you are you are less able to function as well in many areas of your life
I would teach you various relaxation and breathing techniques that will start process of rest and recuperation. Learning to relax is vital for a happy life, and your health and wellbeing. Together with using the powerful modalities I use your sleep pattern and energy levels will restored to optimum healthy levels.

3. Worrying/Catastrophizing about things in your life.

Anxiety is often accompanied by excessive thinking about things in your life.
You worry about your future and fear builds up about how you are going to cope with work, being on your own, social situations or whatever is concerning you.
Living your life thinking the worst about the future creates unhappiness and depression. As with the other effects of anxiety this habit of worry will only increase as your thoughts and feelings have a compounding effect leading to even greater unhappiness.
You need to break the cycle of worry, releasing your feelings of worry and the emotions that accompany them.

What You Must Do Next
If you recognise these symptoms you must reach out before they get worse. Left untreated it is certain these habitual negative feelings will grow and lead to issues in all areas of your life.
The Good News
I can help you with my Three Step System. I specialise in helping people to get healthy and remove depression and anxiety. Having suffered myself with these issues and overcome them, I want to help you do the same.
Call me on now 07817979493

This is not about entering long term therapy but achieving major changes starting with three sessions and empowering you to carry on the techniques on your own building on the progress day by day and increasing your resilience to lead the life you want.

Contact me for a free consultation by phone for 20 minutes so we can plan the next moves to free you from this anxiety.

Roy Gough
www. Springtreethearpies.co.uk
springtreetherapies@gmail.com Tel 07817979493

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