8th November 2017

My 3 Step Plan

3- steps to being free, happy and at peace.

Step 1 – Analysis

This step involves the analysis or identification of the causes of the problem or issue which could include:

• Past or Childhood experiences.
• Present Stressors.
• Patterns of behaviour.
• Limiting beliefs

Step 2 – Elimination

Having identified what may be holding problem or issue in place we can use various techniques to eliminate their effects.

• Dissolving emotional charge.
• Letting go of unhelpful emotions.
• Removing patterns.
• Changing limiting beliefs

Step 3 – Education

This is where we apply techniques on an ongoing basis to maintain and develop our potential to lead a happy and abundant life.

• Relaxation and breathing techniques
• Self-healing protocols
• Positive affirmations
• Life style changes

Analysis would identify past and childhood experiences that may be contributing to the issue that is arising now. If you have experienced something distressing in the past, you might feel anxious about facing similar situations again as this may trigger the same feelings of distress.
Some of the Present stressors could be exhaustion and stress, long working hours, pressure at home, at work, housing problems, and money problems.
Behavioural patterns can be identified and could involve self – sabotaging and somehow feeling stuck and comfortable in a situation. Patterns may appear to feel safe or familiar in some way. Breaking the cycle may appear too hard.
In addition, there may be other contributing factors we could also consider such as diet, health problems, drugs and medication and genetic factors.

Elimination involves using the various techniques (modalities) I have trained in to remove the emotional charge around events in our life. Many of the modalities are very fast in removing the emotional memory associated with a distressing or traumatic events in our life. We switch off the event preventing it triggering a response in our life.
We can also let go of emotions that may be contributing to our issue or have difficulty expressing. This could be anger, sadness, guilt, and grief that we have not processed and can be literally peeled away one by one returning us to relaxed state.
Patterns can be challenged, and strategies devised to overcome them. Using the techniques I use, we can overcome the resistance to letting them go which involves changing our energetic relationship to these patterns.

Education is how we move forward and use some of the techniques for ourselves to maintain a balance in our lives. If we are suffering anxiety in our life, then learning how to relax and rest is good practice. Using relaxation and breathing techniques on a regular basis will help us achieve this.
We can also use the modalities for ourselves. We can develop regular self – application of the techniques I use, to maintain balance and mental well-being and manifest into our life new possibilities. This allows to change beliefs about life and empower ourselves to achieve things in our life we desire or even have not thought were possible or occurred to us.
Life style changes may naturally come out of the whole healing journey we have undertaken such as altering our relationship to work, getting out of stressful relationship or situations, tackling long standing problems such as money issues.

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