11th July 2015

Theta Healing

Theta Healing

Theta healing is a powerful healing technique in which the practitioner is able to bring about changes in subconscious beliefs and feelings. Theta healing was founded by Vianna Stibal in 1995. She discovered that by going into a meditative theta state, she was able to connect with Source Energy/Creator/Universal Intelligence and by focusing on an issue bring about the changes desired.

The practitioner through dialogue is able to analyse how the client’s beliefs and past experiences are contributing to the issues that the client wishes to resolve. Through a powerful meditation the practitioner is able to connect with Source Energy/Universal Intelligence to bring about the changes necessary to resolve these problems and issues. The practitioner develops a powerful intuitive ability to target the exact causes underlying the client’s issues. Theta healing works on all levels of being, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual to empower one to live life to its fullest.

Our beliefs come from a number of sources in our lives. In Theta Healing 4 levels of belief are cleared.

* Core beliefs – What we have learnt and accepted from birth to present day

* Genetic – Inherited from our ancestors and carried in our genetic coding.

* History – Beliefs from past lives and collective consciousness.

* Soul – The essence of who we are.

Our beliefs reflect who we are and how we behave, but if our beliefs become limiting because our reality has changed, we will struggle to adapt and succeed. Our limiting beliefs can hold us back or our past programming may trigger unhelpful responses. In a Theta healing session we will identify the underlying beliefs and feelings and change them into more empowering ones. We can download new empowering feelings.

As well as belief changes, Theta healing is able to address a very broad range of issues. These may include relationships, career, financial issues, self – esteem, physical issues, weight issues, Illness, emotional issues (guilt, fear, anxiety, depression, stress ), environmental issues, pets, and the psychic environment. Theta healing is able to identify and remove the patterns and beliefs are holding your illness, physical situation, career, financial state, and weight issues in place.

Theta healing is immensely powerful as it focuses on the exact issue and addresses what energetically holds that in place. This technique emphasizes how we are all connected as one, with source, and to each other as energetic beings able to bring about true healing if it is truly desired.



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